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General Terms & Conditions & Park Rules


1. Definitions 
2. Applicability of General Terms and Conditions 
3. Conclusion of the Agreement and Booking 
4. Cancellation of the Agreement 
5. Financial provisions
6. Obligations of the holiday maker and (Fellow) holiday maker 
Accommodation and its use 
8. Facilities (in or outside the Park) 
9. Travel information 
10. Complaints 
11. Travel price and complaints 
12. Liability 
13. Privacy 
14. Applicable law and competent court 
15. Other provisions Group and/or specific case regulations Park regulations  
Article 1
Arrival: the starting date of the period for which the Agreement between the Recreant and the Operator has been entered into.

Accommodation: all holiday residences for recreational purposes 

Accommodation Provider: the owner and/or the Entrepreneur appointed by it of the Accommodation to be issued for rent.  
General Conditions: these conditions that apply to all Agreements entered into for the rental of an Accommodation with the Accommodation Provider between Recreant and Entrepreneur. 
Facilities: all facilities inside or outside the Holiday Park that can be used on the basis of the Agreement. 
Guests: all persons falling under the concept of Recreant and Co-Recipient who make use of the Accommodation and/or Facilities of the Park, as well as visitors to the Park.  
Co-creant: the persons registered by the Recreant at the time of booking and/or forming part of the travel party. 
Operator: the party with whom the Recreant enters into an Agreement. This is indicated at the bottom of the Fee Schedule. 
Agreement: the Agreement for the rental of an Accommodation with the accompanying General Conditions. 
Park: the Park in which an Accommodation is located. 

Park Regulations: the regulations applied by the Accommodation Provider for the Park. 

Recreant: the (legal) person who makes the booking and enters into the Agreement. 

Travel Price: the rental price for the Accommodation including any discounts and excluding any additional costs. 

Written: by letter or email. 
Security Deposit: an amount that can be charged as an advance on any damage /extra cleaning work, caused during the stay by (the actions of) the Recreant. Any outstanding items may also be offset against the Security Deposit. The 
Guarantee shall be refunded within 7 days after departure provided that the account number of the Recreant is known and no damage as indicated above has been detected. 
Website: the website(s) of the Operator used to make the Agreement. 
Where a definition is formulated in the singular, it also applies to the plural and vice versa.

Article 2
Applicability of General Conditions 
These General Terms and Conditions apply to all Agreements between Operator and Recreant concerning rental of Accommodations.These Conditions form an integral part of the Agreement.  
The Operator reserves the right to change or supplement these General Terms and Conditions and all elements thereof.
Amendments shall also apply in respect of Agreements already concluded subject to a period of 30 days after publication of the amendment on the Company's Website or by electronic message. Amendments of minor importance may be made at any time.
Article 3
Realisation of Agreement and Booking 
An Agreement for renting out an Accommodation comes about through offer and acceptance. This Agreement can be concluded at the Park reception or by reservation.  
An Agreement can only be entered into by a Recreant who is 23 years of age or older. If the Recreant is younger than 23 years of age, the Operator may impose additional conditions. If the Recreant's co-creants are younger than 23, the Recreant must accompany those co-creants during the entire stay of those co-creants. 
Accommodation can be booked either online or by telephone. These two ways of booking are binding on both parties. 

Online booking: 
An Agreement is established if: 

a. the Recreant agrees to these General Conditions;  
b. the holiday maker completes all mandatory data to make the reservation online and subsequently makes the reservation final by clicking the button "place your booking", and; 
c. the Operator has confirmed the reservation to the Recreant in Writing. 
* Every receipt of a reservation made through the Website is confirmed by an e-mail to the holiday maker or, at the urgent request of the holiday maker, by post, which means that the reservation has been received and processed. This makes the reservation binding for the Recreant. 
* If the Recreant has not received a confirmation of receipt by e-mail, something may have gone wrong with the booking and the Recreant should contact the Operator, no appeal of the booking can be made at this time. 
Booking by telephone:
The Recreant can also make a reservation by telephone. With a telephone reservation, an Agreement is concluded immediately.

Cost overview 
After verification and processing of the reservation placed through the Website or by telephone, the holiday maker will receive a cost overview by e-mail (or at the request of the holiday maker by post). If this cost summary is not received within 5 days of booking, the Recreant must contact the Operator, earlier no claim can be made by the Recreant. Any inaccuracies in the cost overview must be communicated to the Operator within 24 hours. 

Right of withdrawal 
Reservations made are irrevocably binding on the Recreant. A right of withdrawal (the so-called cooling off period) as referred to in the Civil Code does not apply to services concerning the rental of Accommodation. 

The Recreant must be at least 23 years of age at the time of booking. 
The Recreant is liable for all Co-recreants who are registered and accompany him/her and for all Guests visiting the Recreant at the Park.  All correspondence will be conducted through the Recreant's details.

Article 4
Cancellation of the Agreement 

Cancellation by the holiday maker 
It may happen that one has to cancel the holiday due to unforeseen circumstances. In this case, the Recreant or his/her substitute must inform the Operator in Writing or by telephone (during office hours). A cancellation or change will in most cases involve costs.   After cancellation, the Recreant will receive a cancellation invoice from the Operator. This invoice contains the cancellation costs. 
In addition to the reservation- and eventual preferential costs, the (co-)Recreant shall owe the following amounts to the
  • For cancellation up to the 92nd day (exclusive) before Arrival: 15% of the travel sum; 
  • For cancellation from the 92nd day (inclusive) to the 62nd day (exclusive) before Arrival: 50% of the holiday price;
  • If cancelled from the 62nd day (inclusive) to the 31st day (exclusive) before Arrival: 75% of the holiday price; 
  • For cancellation from the 31st day (inclusive) to 1 day (inclusive) before Arrival: 90% of the holiday price; 
  • For cancellation on the day of Arrival or later: 100% of the holiday price. 
Cancellation by the Company 
In case of force majeure or unforeseen circumstances, the Entrepreneur is entitled to cancel the reservation. Unforeseen circumstances and force majeure include: 
That the Accommodation is no longer suitable for rental (for example: due to flooding, fire or default of the Accommodation Provider).
That the Accommodation is no longer available, a double placed reservation or bankruptcy of the Accommodation Provider). 
The entrepreneur shall immediately inform the Recreant of this, giving reasons, by telephone or in writing. He will in this case try to offer an equivalent Accommodation at the same Travel Price. If no suitable alternative offer can be made, or the Recreant does not agree with the alternative offered, the Entrepreneur shall reimburse the Travel sum already paid in full or in part without the Entrepreneur owing the Recreant any compensation for damages.

Article 5
Financial provisions 

After receipt of the cost statement, the following charges must be paid: Within 14 days: 50% of the bill, the remaining amount must be received by the Operator 8 weeks before Arrival. 
If the holiday maker books within 8 weeks before Arrival, the total bill must be paid immediately. The total amount of the bill must always be paid in full before Arrival.

Failure to pay within the payment term 
If the Undertaker has not received payments on time, he shall be entitled to dissolve (cancel) the Agreement and hold the Recreant liable for the cancellation costs. The cancellation costs will be deducted from the amounts already paid.

Article 6
Obligations of the holiday maker and fellow holiday maker 

The Recreant and Fellow holiday maker and their possible Guests shall comply with the obligations set out in these
General Conditions and the Park Regulations.  Failure to fulfil these obligations shall be regarded as an attributable failure in the fulfilment of the Agreement resulting in an obligation of the Recreant to pay damages to the Operator. Furthermore, this shall entitle the Operator to dissolve the Agreement.